Be Courageous and Do Mighty Things

As another Hunt & Gather event has arrived I find myself once again so excited to launch new designs and share with everyone what’s been going on behind the scenes. My mind races–more frequently than I’d like to admit of ways to reach people,  designs to create, and where to take this business next. I’m astonished over and over again about how drastically God has allowed this business to change my life. I really have all of you to thank for that, thank you for believing in my message and my story–I’ll never stop thanking you for sharing my passion with me.

Just about one month from today, Simply Emelia will have its first birthday. ONE YEAR! A year that will stand out in my life forever. Two months ago I began to brainstorm about where I would take this business next, what year two would bring. For some time now my heart has pulling and tugging inside to find a way that I can give back, how Simply Emelia could make a difference much farther than my little bubble of Northwest Indiana.

A few months back, Chad and I were at a friend’s house and I was in their kitchen alone making Emelia some dinner- I found myself looking at all of the beautiful photographs on their refrigerator. Then my eyes hit a random magnet, “we will do mighty things”-psalm 60:12.

I thought about that for two days straight. That Sunday morning I woke up and headed to church and I was beyond privileged to listen to the President of World Vision speak on behalf of this amazing organazation and the difference we can make in people’s lives all over the world. That morning I was able to become a Child Crisis partner with World Vision and give back using Simply Emelia each month.

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.

They work in nearly 100 countries, serving all people, regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.

They also believe in a full solution to poverty and injustice, and provide emergency assistance to children and families affected by disasters and conflict, partner with communities for long-term solutions to alleviate poverty, and advocate for justice on behalf of the poor. They are motiviated by their faith in Jesus Christ, and  serve alongside the poor and oppressed as a demonstration of God’s unconditional love for all people.

How grateful I am that I was able to hear Mr. Stearns speak that day. How grateful I am that the Lord had me wake up and lay on my heart to be at church that morning, and how beyond grateful I am that he pointed me right in the direction of where to give.

To be honest–there was supposed to be a Simply Emelia shirt titled just that-“Do Mighty Things”  but the design just didn’t work out and I found myself so discouraged because I had a story to tell. 

I had a story to tell………the Lord has a different plan, a different story.

Hunt & Gathers theme this time is “Courage”.

We were made to be courageous. All of us.

Being vulnerable and opening myself to the rest of the world again was the best decision I ever made for my life, and starting Simply Emelia has allowed me to do so. You are confined only by the walls you build up yourself. So often we become complacent, become comfortable, so much so that we are afraid to give up a good life, for a great one. But when we choose to step out boldly in faith-that’s when God shows up and does truly amazing things in our life! You were never created to live depressed, defeated, guilty, condemned, or unworthy. You were created to be victorious, to be courageous.

Choose to be unstoppable, bigger than your concerns or worries. Let strength of others inspire you daily. Focus on your goal, trust the Lord and live a courageous life.

Doors are opened when you are bold enough and brave enough to knock at the door of Christ.

Truth be told, when I started this business my faith was weak. My trust was weak. I was weak because I wasn’t strengthened by the love of Jesus, I wasn’t walking the road with Christ.

“I always prayed for God to lead me where he wanted me to go, now I pray for the courage to go where he leads me.”

This blog post would go on forever if I gave you ways from the very beginning how God has shown up over and over again every day of my life and with this business. It’s just now in life, I stop to notice and say, “Thank you Jesus I know that you was you and I know you are here.”

I’m a Registered Nurse, who called my mom and husband while driving in the car one day and told them about this “idea” I had to put some words on a t-shirt and start my own little business. They thought I was CRAZY (my husband still thinks I am).

I designed my first t-shirts by hand and using Microsoft Word, which either made every printer semi-mad or laugh at me. But- I kept calling until I found someone who would work with this vision I had. Over the next few months the Lord placed people in my life who have helped me, guided me, and befriended me throughout this entire first year. I started this business to reach others, but I’m the one who actually has been “reached”. I’m the one who’s life has been changed by the kindness, generosity, and love I have encountered throughout this journey.

Whatever it is that you are feeling pulled to do in your own life, it’s not a coincidence. Those little signs that keep showing you up to urge you to do that thing you are too afraid to do, those aren’t coincidences either. You might make a million mistakes, I know I have. But it doesn’t matter, just keep going, keep trying, go out there and do whatever the Lord is laying on your heart to do. It might not make you the most money, it probably will be more work than you ever thought it would, and many times you will want to give up, but you will be more fulfilled and more on fire for life than you ever thought possible.

You can do it, whatever your hope is, what ever your dreams are–just take a chance and go for it.

“Be courageous and do mighty things”.



“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged for the Lord your God will be with your wherever you go.

Joshua 1:9

One thought on “Be Courageous and Do Mighty Things

  1. THANK YOU for starting this business and for letting the Lord speak through you…what an incredible ministry! I have loved following your blog and I have loved seeing your business blossom over the last year…..your message is inspirational and so are you! Looking forward to checking out your new stuff at the hunt and Gather tonight!


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